Matcha is a popular ingredient for sweets in Japan. It can be used for cakes, chocolates, ice creams, and much, much more.

Matcha can also be used for soft jellies, babaloas, or custards.

Rolled cakes are very popular in Japan. One popular flavor is matcha cake rolled with whipped cream that is studded with sweet black beans.

Making matcha ice cream at home is easy. Japanese Iron Chef, Kimio Nonaga of Nihonbashi Yukari, has a great tip for making this. Take some vanilla ice cream, put it in the refrigerator, then let it soften and then carefully fold in the matcha powder. He also does this with kinako (roasted soy bean powder). If you like, you can put the ice cream back into the freezer, and as it starts to freeze, carefully fold in some sweetened black beans.

Haagen-Dazs has a great version of matcha ice cream available in single portion sizes. These are available at supermarkets or at convenience stores.

Matcha, powdered Japanese green tea, is used in many sweets. In Japan there are many different types of matcha available. I usually purchase an easy to use instant versions. Some are already pre-mixed with sugar and can be mixed up with milk to make a sweet, matcha au lait. This drink is refreshing on a hot summer day.
Please note that all images on this post have been taken from Japanese blogs.
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