Saturday, January 9, 2010

Recipe - Kinpira Gobo and Carrots きんぴら牛蒡

My first attempt at uploading video of cooking Japanese food. This is kinpira gobo.

Kinpira gobo is a great dish to master. Julienned burdock root and carrots are sauteed in a soy, mirin, sake, and sugar mixture. After it is cooked it is season with dried red chili pepper (ichimi) or seven spice chili pepper (shichimi).

1 burdock root, julienned
2 carrots, julienned
3 Tablespoons sake
3 Tablespoons soy sauce
1 Tablespoon mirin
1 Tablespoon sugar
ichimi (or shichimi) to taste
vegetable oil

Carefully scrub the burdock root. If it is very dirty then peel it, if not, a thorough scrub will do fine. Cut into about 3 inch slices and then julienne these. Burdock root oxidizes quickly so place julienned burdock root in a large bowl of water.

Peel the carrots, cut into 3 inch slices and julienne.

Rinse the burdock root and pat dry.

In a saute pan with a little bit of oil saute the burdock root and carrots. After the vegetables start to soften add the sake, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. Cook until most of the liquid has dissipated. The vegetables should be soft. Add ichimi (chili powder) to taste.

This will hold for about five days in the fridge. This is great at room temperature, so perfect for a bento.

Gobo on Foodista

Burdock Root on Foodista

Burdock Kinpira (Gobo) on Foodista

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