Depending on what you have in your fridge, some bento dishes can be pulled together at the last minute. The item in the middle is exactly that. Chikuwa, which are fish cakes in a cylindrical shape with a hole in the middle, can be stuffed with raw vegetables, or Japanese pickles as a quick side dish.
The other items in this bento are from left to right:
salted and grilled salmon
seasoned ground pork and green beans
chikuwa fish cake stuffed with raw Japanese cucumber
simmered kabocha sweet potato and azuki beans
baked egg omelet
I had found at the 100 yen shop (dollar store) in Japan small plastic cups that can be used in bentos to separate different side dishes. These can be washed and recycled. Another great bonus is that they can be put into the toaster oven, baked, and then slipped into the bento. I tried making egg omelet with this, but the eggs were too dry and I prefer the dashimaki tamagoyaki.
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